This was supposed to published last night, but I forgot. Just pretend the date says Saturday June 16 :)
So, I didn't realize that I was supposed to work out today until after I published yesterday's post. Oops. Well, this morning, I did 1.52 mile jog (18 minutes), and my butt and thigh muscles are screaming at me! It's okay, though; it just means I worked hard this week :)
After breakfast, my eyes just kept going to the window. The light breeze, the cool (for summer) temp, the seductive sunlight just begging me to come outside and run. I debated it with myself for probably twenty minutes (I won't be able to make it too far, I've already done enough this week/why spoil this amazing weather?, I'll feel so much happier afterwards). There really shouldn't have been any debate; once the idea for a run pops into my head, it doesn't go away until I atually go for a run. If I don't, I regret it the rest of the day.
After lunch we went for a trip to the local health food store. They have everything you could possibly imagine! Gluten-free foods, every flour imagineable, vegan "dairy" products, coconut water, kombucha, every nut butter possible, and so much more! And it's not a huge store, either. I got some snacks for the trip on Thursday, and things to eat while we're there. I think my sister was a bit out of her element there (she's more Nutella/chips/hot dogs). I just kept throwing bars into the basket, and she only got three oat cake bar things.
I got a few meal replacement bars because I just know there are going to be times when I don't want to eat. It's a change from my normal routine, so I'm going to want to retreat my "safe" place. I'm going to try as hard as I can not to, but I have the meal bars in case I do.
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